Somebody deep inside
Is knowking on the breast
Is tied up with the chains
For the sake of someone elses
But now is the time
To stand before everyone
Load up what is stacked till now
Tear your chest apart and
Release yourself
Release yourself
Not to stay inside
Release yourself
Every time
Open up your mind
Why staying in the place
Where I don’t belong?
Swallowing my thoughts
Keeping always something wrong?
That’s not the shame
To stand with the naked brain
It’s time to spit on what they think
Tell to my spirit
Release yourself
Release yourself
By leaving the all the blame
Free yourself
There is no need to be in the prison
I’m just a jailbird in the freedom
Tell the one inside to open the rumpled wings
Tell the one it’s time
To open to the sky
It was a long time that I have been trying to hide
Myself inside
With the sense of the duty to abide
By not seeing everything from my side but the other
Just to make every single person feel satisfied
Well I can give up from my dreams for you all
And to put my doings away to put yours ahead
Well I can do the music only one that you love
Let’s my taste go away
Let’s my time run away
Main thing is that yours is in a good phase
You are the main track that I have to trace
But the new page new life new day should come
The real nude person shall let itself alone
The brain has a lot to say
It is fed by eating every thought before it becomes a throwaway
Till today
That is not fair to take the one inside to the grave
It’s huge regret to contrast the real self and the people
Then put the self as a slave
The one knows itself the best than all
Thousands of people cannot decide for one what to do what to say
If you are hundred percent certain which is the way
Then fall thousand times and stand up again
Release what exists before it becomes too late
Or wake up one day to see how you’re gone astray
Music and Lyrics: Orkhan Efendi
© Orkhan Efendi 2020