“Nightmare of the Belle” is the soft rock song by Orkhan Efendi talking about a genetic disease called “Familial Mediterranean Fever” (FMF), which is indeed rare encountered likewise incurable, following with periodic painful attacks and stands with the person till the end.
But the story behind the song is something special, where those intolerably painful attacks strike not the monster or powerful male, but little, tiny and tender girl, in whose inside wolves tear her physically and therefore shutter mentally.
In the first phase, the author describes the beauty and tenderness the girl and how she enchanted him with her charm. Despite all these delightful traits, but there is something secret she keeps to tell him: “It was the fever, that tough to bear. For this tiny girl it is unfair. From time to time, she gets some nightmare”. The “fever” here refers directly to FMF on one side and unbearable irritation on the other where this sweet and little girl does not deserve that kind of surprise by life.
But how it could be, that exquisite girl stands against these painful attacks, which are periodic ones and even physically the strongest people will be folded down because of the suffering. But she carries on, tolerates that blow from her disease. It is not later earned, you have to either come with this genetic feature to the world or simply not being created and conclude the life at the end with those periodic pain. And there is no escape!
The storyteller also wishes and regrets that if only there would be a solution or action to do in favor to the pain by himself, while he cannot change anything there. The fever can be revealed through the time and getting recovered from the cold. Thus, only waiting can refine something, however that would be again temporary. The wolves will come again later on absolutely.
But on her face there is a laughter, happiness, her shiny eyes make the narrator intoxicated. Yet he sees the truth in her inside, the darkness with storm, thunder and devastation hidden behind the smiley face.
Another special feature on this girl is that she was not aware through the long time about what happens on her and why those pains are every time here. That was an enormous mystery which has been finally detected. Until now it was only a secret unable to unlock, for her and others.
The lyrics and the melody have been created on the narrating style, the recital of a tale, where one tells the story by putting a girl here as a main character.
“Nightmare of the Belle” is not a love-song, because there are not any elements which depict the wish of the author to be with this girl, yet he is indeed inspired and attracted by her. The music work is completely about the withstand of this belle with such enormous pain, her strength and strive against it, bewildered the storyteller. The beauty of the girl and his pain totally do not match with each other, which is incredible to imagine, that such charming lady is attacked from those painful punches, those are not similar with headache or stomachache, but one that is intolerable, even sometimes ceases the person to be able to breathe.
“Nightmare of the Belle” is tale-teller song and dedicated in light of the main character to all people carrying FMF disease, who have done actually nothing wrong in the life to have it and completely do not deserve such suffering. The tune was recorded in December, 2014. Music and Lyrics have been written by Orkhan Efendi.
“Nightmare of the Belle” is where the tenderness and the delicacy meet with severe pain. That is how beneath the shiny eyes there stand huge troubles”
© Orkhan Efendi 2020