“From the Distance” is the first composed piano melody by Orkhan Efendi, where the topic is based on being materially close but spiritually in the distance from the lover.
The roughly 3-minutes composition consists of four parts: introduction, the feelings of longing, the consolation and again back to feeling of missing.
In the introduction the author wanted to mention his travel to the distance and worries on what is going to happen there. Then comes the main part, that he expressed himself on how in the first days of being away is gloomy, since he is far from the person that he wants to be near with. Subsequently, the melody develops into the major chords, where it talks, that everything will be in a positive direction, it is just a short time and the complainer will actually later on enjoy his life in far land. Nevertheless, the depressed man still suffers from the state, not being able to talk, touch and see the girl, but simply contemplate at her from the distance.
Although there are some additional features on being away off the dear people and homeland in general, on the other hand, the composition is purely based on being in the distance from his lover and actually the main inspiration has been derived from the love-grounded feelings, which later on supplemented with the subsidiary ones. The narrator is going to be hundreds of miles away from the girl that he loves and it is therefore impossible to look at her in the real life even in the short period.
However, here the meaning is not restricted with only the physical distance, but also spiritual one. That intends to show, how the lover puts himself in the distance from his beloved, although they are both in the same city, in order to not to disturb her, because she is not willing to be near to him and not interested to do so. Before living his homeland, the lover is still just some footsteps away from this girl, but spiritually they are separated and mentally in the distance. Yet now he has gone and therefore both physical as well as the mental remoteness is what the author holds.
The tune was created by using only pure piano sound. The feelings have been transmitted from the soul to fingers this time.
“From the Distance” is about being on the road and remoteness. And of course the relation between staying in the nearness but being in the distance actually. The melody was composed and played by Orkhan Efendi.
“Not ever time we are close to someone even while staying in the next to. We could also be other way around, being in the far but feeling indeed close. “From the Distance” talks actually about keeping the distance.”
© Orkhan Efendi 2020